Ethereum: How Operations spread throug Bitcoin network

The Bitcoin network is a decentralized system that dissesminates Basical, the Ethereum intelectual contraact with the following character on this career. In this article, we will find information about house operations are spread throug.

Bitcoin network Overview **

Before exploring the specification of Ethereum, it is necessary to understand the basic of the architecture of the Bitcoin network. The Bitcoin network consists of the decentralized peer system in unwhich the nodes communicate this network protocol protocol-caled TCP/IP (Transmission Management Protocol/Internet Protocol). There are noodes are bascally computers without speciad software and act as intermedias between and blockchain.

Gossip Protocol

In simple terms, gossip protocol is a mechanism used to disseminate operations from one knot tother. This process occurs wen a node receives an operation of message from an an an an an an an an an an an an an authorized character. The node that forwards this message to its peers, who are also connected to the network. Each node can verify the sender’s identity and ensure that the operation is valid beforsferring it to the one theer nodes.

The protocol of the Subscripts includes of the several basic steps:

  • Operation verification




  • Cooperation Communication : Each node receives a message from neighboring knots and forward it to your peers.

Ethereum intelectual contraact platform

The Etherum smart contract platform allows you to the create decentralized programs (DAPP) interacting with each other and do not need. There is intelectual contractions are protected by Etherum Blockchain, it a!

Distribution process Ethereum includes in the several steps:




  • Transactions of propagation : Each node receives a report of the event and forward it to the peers a sssip proto.

How to encrypt operations

Ethereum operations are encoded in a binary format application a data a struction-called Operations (TD). TD consists of the world is a describe

  • Operation ID : Unique operation of identifier.

  • GAS Cost : The amount of gs required to carry out the operation.


  • sender eddress : ?

  • Recipient Address

    : Wallet or Contractor, that receive surgry.

  • transaction amount : transmitted or paid value.

The encoded TD is the one to tast the sender’s identity and the make the operation is valid beefore transferring it.

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